[ESG-Newsletter] ESG-Newsletter 1/2016
ESG, Hirschberg, Corinna
ch at bundes-esg.de
Do Jan 14 15:09:26 CET 2016
Liebe Leser*innen,
mit der Jahreslosung aus Jesaja 66 „ Ich will euch trösten wie einen seine Mutter tröstet“ grüße ich Sie und euch ganz herzlich und wünsche allen ein frohes und gesegnetes Jahr 2016!
1. EIN Tag – EIN Zweck, Bundes-ESG
2. Nachrichten und Einladung vom Weltverband WSCF
3. Empowerment Studies, Hochschule Düsseldorf
4. Pressemitteilung Auslandsmobilität vom Deutschen Studentenwerk (DSW)
Allen Leser*innen wünsche ich eine anregende Lektüre und eine gute Zeit gegen Ende des Wintersemesters!
Herzliche Grüße
Corinna Hirschberg
1. EIN Tag – EIN Zweck am 17.6.2016, Bundes-ESG
EIN Tag: Samstag 17.6.2016
Spendenaktion eurer ESG im öffentlichen Raum
• Jonglage an / in der Uni
• Schuhe putzen in der Fußgängerzone
• Straßenmusik
• Kuchenbasar / Waffelverkauf
Eurer Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.
EIN Zweck:
Möglichst viele ESGn spenden für denselben Zweck: für Geflüchtete, die studieren möchten.
Geflüchtete Studierende brauchen u.a.:
• Bücher
• Laptop und USB-Sticks
• Materialien
• Sprachkurse
• Geld für Einschreibegebühren
Das Projekt:
Wir unterstützen gemeinsam voraussichtlich die Initiative Kiron Open Higher Education, die ein Online-Angebot für Geflüchtete bereit hält: vergleichbar mit einer Fernuniversität. https://kiron.university/
Bitte sagt uns bis Ende Mai Bescheid, ob eure ESG am 17.6. mitmacht; esg at bundes-esg.de<mailto:%20esg at bundes-esg.de>.
Werbematerial (Plakate) könnt ihr ab April kostenlos auf der HP herunterladen.
2. Nachrichten und Einladung vom WSCF
für unseren Weltverband WSCF werden der chair und vice chair gesucht. Vielleicht kennt ihr Studierende, die ihr darauf ansprechen könnt?!
Außerdem trifft sich die Gender-Konferenz vom 8. – 15. Mai in Budapest, Ungarn. Die Eigenbeteiligung beträgt 100 €; die Geschäftsstelle übernimmt den Teilnahmebetrag und die Fahrkosten. Auch hier könnt ihr Studierende darauf ansprechen; sie ist bestimmt sehr lohnend.
January 2016 E-News
WSCF-Europe wishes you a blessed and happy 2016!
May the blessing of light be upon you,
Light on the outside,
Light on the inside.
With God's sunlight shining on you,
May your heart glow with warmth,
Like a turf fire
that welcomes friends and strangers alike.
May the light of the Lord shine from your eyes,
Like a candle in the window,
Welcoming the weary traveller.
- Irish blessing
S&O 2016
The next Staff and Officers'<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=ae144e7023&e=587b5162e0> meeting will take place on March 2nd – 6th in Oslo, Norway. All successful applicants have already received confirmation emails.
If your movement still has not sent its delegates' applications, please do so ASAP. Fill out the application here<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=fe89ca2265&e=587b5162e0>.
We've moved!
Here you have a sneak peek at our new Trento Office location. Our new address is Piazza Centa 9, 38122, Trento.
You can reach us temporarily by this phone number: +39 348 6807658. We will notify about the permanent number change in the newsletter and on our WSCF-E homepage<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=71526a22f5&e=587b5162e0> - see page footer.
WSCF-E Gender Conference call for applications
Sexual identity and gender identity are a huge issue in modern society, particularly in Christian communities.
Are Christians able to talk about taboo subjects?
We as Christian youth would like to show that we can!
Follow this link<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=65e4d887ed&e=587b5162e0> to discover more details about our next Conference, upcoming in May 2016. Send your application by January 25.
Global Religious Youth Leaders' Summit Report
Religions for Peace held a Summit in Paris in December 2015. WSCF-E was represented by two members of the current board, Chairperson Zuzana Babicová<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=807c74e8c1&e=587b5162e0> and ExCo member Annika Foltin<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=ccfaa19140&e=587b5162e0>. Read more.<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=1dd32206e3&e=587b5162e0>
Paris agreement signals climate friendly, more equitable future
After years of negotiation in which ACT Alliance<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=b6ed96520d&e=587b5162e0> has actively engaged, a global climate deal is adopted. Read the press release<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=5a21891036&e=587b5162e0> from ACT delegation about final agreement on #COP21<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=219fae0e25&e=587b5162e0> meeting in Paris. WSCF was represented at the Paris Climate Conference by WSCF-Latin America and Carribean (FUMEC ALC<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=3159bdf383&e=587b5162e0>) Regional Secretary Marcelo Leites.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2016
Join the global ecumenical movement in the week of prayer for Christian Unity, which in 2016 will be celebrated on January 18-25 around the world. The theme for 2016 edition, "Called to proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord", is inspired by two verses from the First Letter of St Peter. The resources for the week have been prepared by members of different churches in Latvia. Access the resource brochure in different languages on WCC website<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=72466a9429&e=587b5162e0>.
WSCF-E is looking for Graphic Designer
We are looking for people with skills and enthusiasm for graphic design. We want to make visually enticing, informative, and interactive advertising / marketing materials that capture all that we’ve accomplished and that will help get everyone excited!
Send your application already today! Find out more here<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=97b8f7b108&e=587b5162e0>.
SCM Britain is hiring
SCM is looking for a friendly and enthusiastic Administration Assistant to join their busy staff team. The role is part-time (21 hours per week) and based in SCM Britain office in Birmingham. Closing date for applications is 15 January 2016. Read more<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=36af612ecd&e=587b5162e0> and download the application pack.
WSCF appoints new General Secretary
WSCF Global has appointed Necta Montes as the federation’s new Secretary General from January 2016. The decision follows a meeting<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=092bd9e200&e=587b5162e0> of the Transition Team and Executive Committee (ExCo) in Palermo, Italy in December 2015.
The WSCF Transition Team and the Executive committee have published an official joint statement, Palermo Communique<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=d1ae4a5226&e=587b5162e0>, which aims to present a working model of a WSCF structure that is financially sustainable, leading to a long-term stability and structure that is able to respond to the objectives, mission and vision of WSCF.
Read the Palermo Communique on our website<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=881bfaa06c&e=587b5162e0>
Impressions from the WSCF-E Religions and Politics Conference 2015
“There were approximately fifteen nationalities represented in the conference, there was not only the possibility to discuss theoretically about topics, but also to listen to very diverse and personal experiences from different countries and backgrounds”
- Miriam Schubert & Malena Tara about the Theology Conference in Litomysl, October 2015.
Read testimonials from our participants and hear what they liked best about the event. Official conference report will be out in our next newsletter - stay tuned!
Yana from SCM Ukraine<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=0930d25d26&e=587b5162e0>
Malena and Miriam from SCM Germany<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=b89574ea08&e=587b5162e0>
Action alert: Show solidarity with the People of El Tamarindo!
The community of El Tamarindo in Colombia has been illegally evicted from their land this December. You can read the updates on what's happened at the Colombia Accompaniment Program's Facebook page<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=a18bc55ee3&e=587b5162e0>. Will you join SCM Colombia its solidarity campaign? Find more details here<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=9d957541fc&e=587b5162e0>.
WSCF is looking for a Chair and a (female) Vice-Chair
Would you like to lead an international team, working on justice and solidarity all over the world? Challenge yourself to apply for a Chair position of WSCF Global! See here<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=53953ceaaf&e=587b5162e0> how to apply.
Be a part of new WSCF global campaign
Take a selfie and write what does WSCF mean to you. Tag it anywhere with #IamWSCF. Let us bring the world together!
This campaign is initiated by WSCF-North America<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=90ab021d78&e=587b5162e0>.
Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2016
On February 21, students, churches and groups will be marking the Universal Day of Prayer for Students.
World Student Christian Federation invites our members and friends to get involved in organising the 2016 Universal Day of Prayer for Students in your local communities. SCM Britain has developed an excellent resource toolkit for this occasion. You can download a pack for free today by clicking the link below.
Download resources for the Student Sunday 2016<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=7f3426d45d&e=587b5162e0>
Our partner IYNF is hiring
Our partner International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) is seeking a full time Finance and Office Coordinator for the Secretariat in Prague, starting as soon as possible. Main requirements are fluency in English and Czech language and at least basic experience with financial management. Find more details here<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=aa9afa9d96&e=587b5162e0>. Read the latest IYNF newsletter here<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=e7fa276757&e=587b5162e0>.
WSCF Senior Friend Gathering 2016
WSCF-Europe invites Senior Friends from all around the world to gather together and to brainstorm together about the future of WSCF and to support the current generation of students.
The Gathering will take in Budapest, Hungary, on 12-15 May 2016. The meeting, bridging the current and former generations of students, will feature joint Bible studies, plenary discussions, and small group discussions about what WSCF means or meant to the participants, and what were/are the hopes and the challenges and hardships of their generations. We would like to hear and to give your a chance to share your story of faith and your life journey.
For further information, please contact Zuzana Babicova at chair at wscf-europe.org<mailto:chair at wscf-europe.org> and Rachel Power at vice-chair at wscf-europe.org<mailto:vice-chair at wscf-europe.org>.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Budapest!
Global networking in WSCF-Europe
WSCF-Europe established the post of Global Networking Coordinator<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=1e7bbc0906&e=587b5162e0> at the European Regional Assembly October 2015.
I was elected to fill this post in the Assembly and the past two months have been very interesting and inspiring.
My aim was to create a database of contacts for reaching out news from SCM's of other Regions. This database in under its way. I have collected email addresses, facebook pages and homepage addresses for getting in to contact with people in SCM's all around the world.
For every monthly newsletter I write articles about, and with the help of, SCM's from other Regions. By December we have released two articles in our monthly newsletter from SCM Indonesia and SCM Canada. The first two newsletters of year 2016 are about SCM Colombia and SCM Jordan.
Part of my networking post is also to help SCM's from Europe and other Regions to contact each other, establish relationships for sharing projects and ideas, and gather information about what SCM's do.
If you're interested of getting help to contact SCM's in our global family, or you have ideas for articles, please contact me on networking at wscf-europe.org<mailto:networking at wscf-europe.org>. You are also welcomed to join my contacts.
Attention! Events alert!
Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2016, around the world, 21 February
Join SCM and other student movements and churches around the world to celebrate the Universal Day of Prayer for <http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=9475862628&e=587b5162e0> Students<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=542024eadb&e=587b5162e0> (UDPS)<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=7037e0ba20&e=587b5162e0>. SCM has produced a toolkit with prayer and worship ideas on the theme of 'Stories of Faith' which can be downloaded here<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=c5326649e5&e=587b5162e0>.
Staff and Officers' Meeting 2016, Oslo, Norway, 2-6 March 2016
Our annual S&O meeting will be hosted by the Norwegian SCM in Oslo, Norway. This S&O edition<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=33a6a76bba&e=587b5162e0> will concentrate on volunteer communication and retention, as well as on effective social media use in your SCM.
“Let’s Talk about Sexuality - The Explosive Power of Taboo Subjects”, Budapest, Hungary, 8-15 May 2016
WSCF-E Gender Conference<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=4251cdf784&e=587b5162e0> will take place on 8-15 May, 2016 in Budapest (Hungary).
"Shared Future, Shared Responsibilities: Empowering New Generation of Europeans", Georgia, August 2016
Lingua Franca summer camps are back! WSCF-Europe has applied for Erasmus+ funding (results still pending). This year's camp aims to provide platform for exploring thoughts and opinions on living in a shared society and to contribute to cross-community dialogue and understanding of challenging issues.
[http://cdn-images.mailchimp.com/icons/social-block-v2/color-forwardtofriend-48.png]<mailto:publications at wscf-europe.org>
Copyright © 2016 WSCF-Europe, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have attended a WSCF-Europe event or have signed up for our newsletter.
Our mailing address is:
Piazza Centa 9
Trento, Province of Trento 38122
Add us to your address book<http://wscf-europe.us2.list-manage.com/vcard?u=343c08fe58e5ef8c7989f9aed&id=075833a0ac>
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3. Empowerment Studies, Hochschule Düsseldorf
Die Hochschule Düsseldorf bietet ab dem Wintersemester 2016/17 im Rahmen ihres Master-Studiengangs Empowerment Studies einen entwicklungspolitischen Schwerpunkt an. Der Studiengang ist einem Verständnis von „Politischem Empowerment“ verpflichtet. Zu folgenden Themenfeldern werden Vorlesungen, Seminare und Projekte angeboten:
• Menschenrechtsansatz der Entwicklungsarbeit
• Empowerment
• Theorien Nachhaltiger Entwicklung
• Internationale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit u.a.m.
Der Studiengang kann berufsbegleitend studiert werden. Grundsätzliche Voraussetzung für das Studium ist ein Diplom- oder B.A. -Abschluss in einem gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiengang.
Alle weiteren Informationen finden sich auf der Homepage: www.empowerment-studies.de<http://www.empowerment-studies.de>
4. Pressemitteilung Auslandsmobilität vom Deutschen Studentenwerk (DSW)
Auslandsmobilität: Viel Luft nach oben
* Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW) zu neuen Daten des Statistischen Bundesamts zur Auslandsmobilität von Studierenden
* DSW-Generalsekretär Achim Meyer auf der Heyde: „Auslandsmobilität stagniert weiter, Mobilitätsziele noch lange nicht erreicht“
Berlin, 16. Dezember 2015. Das Deutsche Studentenwerk (DSW) sieht angesichts der neuen Daten des Statistischen Bundesamts bei der Auslandsmobilität von Studierenden noch „viel Luft nach oben“. „Das von der Politik selbst gesetzte Ziel, dass 50% der Studierenden Auslandserfahrung machen sollen bis zum Jahr 2020, ist noch lange nicht erreicht“, erklärt DSW-Generalsekretär Achim Meyer auf der Heyde.
Gemäß Statistischem Bundesamt sank der Anteil der auslandsmobilen Studierenden im Jahr 2013 um 3,2% gegenüber dem Jahr 2012.
„Das ist das Gegenteil dessen, was mit der Bologna-Reform erreicht werden soll. Ein Kernziel von Bologna ist, die Mobilität deutlich zu steigern“, kommentiert Meyer auf der Heyde. „Immerhin 1.000 Studierende mehr sind 2013 über ‚Erasmus‘ ins Ausland gegangen.“
Wie Meyer auf der Heyde weiter ausführt, hänge die Entscheidung für oder gegen einen Auslandsaufenthalt von der Bildungsherkunft der Studierenden ab; die finanziellen Mehrbelastungen seien der wichtigste Grund, warum sie es nicht tun.
Gemäß der 20. Sozialerhebung des Deutschen Studentenwerks stagniert der Anteil der auslandsmobilen Studierenden seit Anfang der 2000er Jahre auf hohem Niveau bei 30%.
Studierende aus Akademiker-Familien gehen fast doppelt so häufig ins Ausland wie Studierende aus Familien ohne akademische Tradition. Der wichtigste Grund, keinen Auslandsaufenthalt zu machen, sind dessen finanzielle Mehrbelastungen.
„Gerade weil die sozialen und finanziellen Faktoren bei der Auslandsmobilität so stark sind, muss seitens der Politik weiter nachgesteuert werden“, erklärt Achim Meyer auf der Heyde, Generalsekretär des Deutschen Studentenwerks. „Anstelle von Darlehen sollten den Master-Studierenden bei ‚Erasmus+‘ Mobilitäts-Stipendien zur Verfügung gestellt werden, und das BAföG muss in alle 48 Bologna-Staaten mitgenommen werden können.“
Die Pressemitteilung des Statistischen Bundesamts vom 16.12.2015:
Die 20. Sozialerhebung online:
Diese Pressemitteilung online:
Stefan Grob
Referatsleiter Presse/Verbandskommunikation
Stellvertreter des Generalsekretärs
Deutsches Studentenwerk
Monbijouplatz 11
10178 Berlin
Tel: 030-29 77 27-20
Mobil: 0163 29 77 272
stefan.grob at studentenwerke.de<mailto:stefan.grob at studentenwerke.de> <mailto:stefan.grob at studentenwerke.de>
www.studentenwerke.de<http://www.studentenwerke.de> <http://www.studentenwerke.de>
www.facebook.com/Deutsches.Studentenwerk<http://www.facebook.com/Deutsches.Studentenwerk> <http://www.facebook.com/Deutsches.Studentenwerk>
twitter.com/DSW_Tweet <https://twitter.com/DSW_Tweet>
„Schuldenrisiko Studium“: Das neue DSW-Journal 4/2015
Corinna Hirschberg
Verband der Evangelischen Studierendengemeinden in Deutschland (ESG)
Otto-Brenner-Str. 9
30159 Hannover
Tel.: 0511/1215-149
Mobil: 01523/4244984
Mail: ch at bundes-esg.de<mailto:ch at bundes-esg.de>
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